On Life, Happiness and everyday objects...
In the course of ones life you sooner or later realize that at the spear-point of destiny you are, as you where, when you first came into this world. Alone and Naked.
During the quest for happiness one realizes that happiness alone is a figment of a shadow of an illusion that maybe never where but to this day and this end happyness is achieveable and in rich supply for all of us to take. The mere presence of dead material items does not support this, mankinds greatest fetisch and lie. This objects and individuals that presents themselves as our reward are not true rewards nor friends. Happyness and love are forces of nature and as all forces the nessecity is envitable.
In this day and age the quest for life is unfulfilled. the youth of my generation is sooner or later destined to take the reign in this country and world and as their peer it frightens me for i am sure, dead sure. Certain to the bone. That i am not their peer. the youth of my generation remembers the horrors of the past unable to remember the accomplishments and the breakthroughs. instead they are emotionally prone to loathing and the greed that comes with great wealth because wealth is the ultimate goal of many of my peers. many have lived their lives in poverty, supported by the state. Lived, holding hands with Big Brother.
And through any means these youths will gain wealth. some in the world of international finance (the minute it becomes a world in its own rigth the subject has gain to much influence and must be removed from the presence of man. Then its unworthy to be of our society. unfortunately, nobody told them that), some in the world of crime, both international and national and this is a shame and a pity when you look upon society as a whole. If crime is a product of human nature and living habits and social unjutice then how can we ever purge it from our society? when you look at the people that tried the words closely associated with these men are words like; dictator, fascist, massmurderer, sociapath and so forth. Of course these men committed great crimes agaisnt humanity, all in the name of humanity. I will never form allegiance with the slight of men such as Hitler and Stalin but does that necessarily mean that their ideas where bad?
i believe in racial hygiene. If man where meant to be the superior species then why should we maintain every other part of human existence except the one that actually matters?
The internal. The core of what we are actually made of. the buildding blocks of existence.
Why should that be corrupted and why should we allow it to be corrupted.
I will never believe in its former interpretation, i have my own non-harmful version but i truly believe to the core of my existence that the tenets of it could be a sad thing to forget.
After all, its all about what you live to the universe when you GO!